The bolt handles for Benelli and Franchi shotguns are machined from solid grade 5 Titanium, which is as strong as steel but 45% lighter and will never rust. This design features a handle that is similar in length to your factory handle, but with a larger profile, which makes it very comfortable and easy to use. Finished with a realistic duck band, this handle will instantly change the look of your waterfowl gun.
Available in several finish options.
12 Ga models - Fits most Benelli models including: SBE, SBEII, SBE3, M2, M3, Cordoba, Montefeltro, Ethos, SuperSport, Legacy and Franchi, Variomax, Intensity, Affinity, and I-12 (Not 600/700 series)
20 and 28 Ga models - Fits most Benelli models, including: SBE3, M2, Montefeltro, Ethos, Legacy, Ultralight, Supersport, Sport 2, Cordoba, and Franchi Affinity Series (Not 600/700 series)